Open to all couples planning a special wedding and with over 25,000 square feet on three floors of the absolute finest wedding experts, products & services in Southern California: including top Florists, Photographers, Musicians, Fashion Designers, Decorators, Event Planners, Caterers, DJ’s, Videographers, Décor Experts, Ceremony & Reception Venues, Entertainment, Hair & Makeup Stylists & so much more all for you!
A beautiful, stylish day full of wedding experts, fashion and displays. An exciting array in 3 separate areas of the finest wedding experts, products and services all in one day! With 3 rooms and 25,000 square feet of the ultimate in gorgeous and sought after wedding ideas, style and planning resources! From venues to caterers, florists to DJs and photographers to gown designers you will not want to miss this show!
Meet Designer Michelle Hebert right at the show and take in different fashion shows, Groom's fashions too, plus an Ultimate Cake Taste Test Challenge and so much more!
Gorgeous fashion shows. Showcase areas by San Diego’s top designers. And so much more of everything you really want for your wedding!
Experience wedding style and planning at its finest, The Wedding Party Bridal Show brings the best in wedding services, ideas and products to you! This very stylish and exciting full size bridal fair has it all, featuring many special attractions plus incredible couture fashion shows on the catwalk, top designer showcases and a fabulous selection of the finest local wedding services.
Each show is unique and is a beautiful and exciting wedding planning event, welcoming all wedding couples to enjoy a day of all things wedding and glamour! Along with all the key vendors you need for your big day you will find San Diego's finest wedding food and service vendors waiting to impress you!
The Wedding Party creates an upbeat, exciting, stylish and fun atmosphere of wedding style and planning at its finest. The show features many special attractions and promotions including our incredible couture fashion shows, cocktail bars, and tons of the finest wedding services- everything you need to plan a special San Diego wedding! Please check website for each show's special attractions.
The Wedding Party: re inventing the wedding show with love, respect & beauty for over a decade and a half!